Dosing Pumps – reliable and flexible
Dosing pumps & accessories for accurate chemical dosing in water, wastewater, leisure & process industries.
Lutz-Jesco has developed special solutions for each area of application. Our extensive range of products include accurate stepper motor dosing pumps, cost-effective, solenoid diaphragm dosing pumps, motor-driven diaphragm dosing pumps & piston dosing pumps for high pressure requirements. Various chemicals can be dosed and include sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, acids/alkalis, ferrics, polyelectrolytes, lime, odour control media, tri-sodium phosphate, ammonia & hydrazine for differing water treatment applications.
- Motor-driven Diaphragm Dosing Pumps
- Diaphragm dosing pumps are leak-free, and are therefore suitable for highly aggressive or toxic media. Depending on the gear type, the diaphragm allows pressures up to 16 bar.
- Stepper Motor-driven Diaphragm Dosing Pumps
- Stepper motor-driven diaphragm pumps are particularly suitable for highly accurate, reproducible industrial dosing thanks to their design. Many fluid media can be safely fed into the respective processes using these pumps.
- Motor-driven Piston Dosing Pumps
- Piston dosing pumps are particularly precise dosing units, which are not dependent on pressure. Dosing capacity varies proportionally with the stroke length and can be set to the tiniest repeatable quantities.
- Motor-Kolbenmembrandosierpumpen
- Kolbendosierpumpen sind besonders präzise und druckunabhängige Dosiergeräte. Die Dosiermenge ändert sich proportional zur Hublänge und kann bis zu geringsten Mengen reproduzierbar eingestellt werden.
- Peristaltic Pumps
- Peristaltic pumps are the simplest types of dosing pumps. With their rotary displacement body, they are very maintenance-friendly and allow optimal dosing at low back-pressures for simple applications.