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MAGDOMAT proportional dosing system

A harmonised system

Dosing pumps are used in a range of applications which work with liquid media. Proportional dosing via a contact-type water meter represents a controlled form of dosing control.

The new MAGDOMAT is even more compact and provides a higher performance than its predecessor. The injection nozzle has already been integrated; use of the solenoid diaphragm dosing pump of the type MAGDOS LD increased the delivery capacity. The pulse sequence of 1 – 10 l/pulse, connected with the maximum possible stroke frequency of 250 min-1, produces exact dosing with homogeneous mixing.

Features & Benefits

  • Completely fitted, ready-to-use system
  • Throughflow volume up to 20 m3/h
  • Delivery rate up to 15 l/h
  • Delivery pressure up to 16 bar
  • Pulse sequence 1 – 10 l/pulse
  • Level input with early warning and main alarm